jalb.fr shows some of my photographs.
Current photographs are on Instagram.
Old photographs are on Flickr: flickr.com/photos/jalb.
The Munching Squares JavaScript hack I wrote way back is still here.
The digital versions of the prints for the exhibit at Sup de Pub “Sur le passage de quelques artistes à travers un assez petit nombre d’années autour du bassin de la Villette” are here
The “V.I.P. 2 me” photography project is at vip2me.fr.
The “I <3 LOVE” photography project is at ilovelove.info
The “Mon Expo en Vitrine” blog is at monexpoenvitrine.com
Néoparents is archived on the Wayback Machine: neoparents.org minus the images, apparently.
Jean-Alain Le Borgne